Ep41 - What I’ve Been Up To (2020 Recap)


Happy 2021! There's a collective energy of excitement in the air - not only because of the New Year, but because 2020 is over.  We are blessed to have a fresh start as we embark on a new beginning.

Happy 2021! There’s a collective energy of excitement in the air - not only because of the New Year, but because 2020 is over.  We are blessed to have a fresh start as we embark on a new beginning. As I embrace 2021, I wanted to do a quick recap of what I’ve been up to (during my break from podcasting) and a few of my 2020 recaps. 

GREAT NEWS! In order to support you on a more intentional and intimate level, I have decided to reopen a few slots in my schedule for individual coaching sessions. If you need a boost of clarity (in your personal life, relationship or business) during these uncertain and cloudy times, you want to take advantage of the 50% discount I’m offering for a limited time. Schedule your session by visiting: www.iamachie.com/coaching

*If this episode was informative or helpful and you’d like to support my work, I’ll always say yes to a cup of coffee or feel free to leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

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